
We can ship to virtually any address in the world. Please note there may be shipping and order fulfilment restrictions on some products due to regulatory or registration laws within a country or territory. Check the product pages for any country or territory shipping or order fulfilment restrictions.

You will be charged one shipping fee regardless of how many items you have ordered. Should Abingdon Health be unable to supply your items ordered in a single delivery you will only be charged once. Shipping charges are calculated based on the order profile and consider volume, weight, location, and prioritisation.

For bulk, non-online orders, you can use your own courier. Contact our team to provide us with your courier details and courier account number. Alternatively, you can book a courier yourself and inform us of the labels and collection date and times.

Delivery dates are estimates provided by our couriers and can be affected by courier service delays, weather and delivery location. We cannot be held responsible for delays in delivery for reasons out of our control.

Home use or self-tests will only be shipped to anyone in the country or territory where the product is registered and approved for use. Professional use only tests will only be shipped to countries and territories where the product is registered and approved for use by professionals. The buyer must tick the ‘professional use only test user’ disclaimer during checkout.

Free Shipping:

Free shipping is only available on selected products and for certain countries and territories. For products and countries eligible for free shipping, you will be able to select free shipping during checkout. Free shipping is generally not available for orders placed from outside of the United Kingdom and/or Europe.


Conditions relating to the return of goods are within our terms and conditions.  Online orders shipped to the United Kingdom (UK) and European Union (EU) are subject to ‘distance selling’ terms and conditions. Customers have the right to cancel and return orders within 14 days. These rules do not apply for orders shipped outside of the UK and EU. We will pay the return shipping costs if the return is because of our error or a fault with the product. If a refund has been agreed you should expect to receive this within 5 working days of your returned order being received by us, however in many cases you will receive a refund more quickly.

European Union (EU) and Global Delivery Information:

The United Kingdom (UK) is no longer in the EU single market and customs union. For all deliveries to the EU from our website, it will be the responsibility of the customer to pay for any applicable customs charges. Check with your government website for applicable charges when buying online from the UK.

For customers outside of the UK and EU check with your government for applicable charges when buying online from the UK.

Contact our team for information about returning products.